- Ministry of Health: A strong partnership exists particularly for setting up new tests, as well as services in the context of national programs such as influenza and HIV EID.
- Health Authorities: Because of the various tests, for logistics, a good relationship with the hospitals, the Medical Mission, the Bureau of Public Health, the Malaria Program, the National Aids Program and the Regional Health Service is essential. For test analysis, there is regular contact with general practitioners and medical specialists.
- Ministry of Justice and Police: Due to the establishment of forensic DNA analysis, there is an intensive cooperation with the Judicial Service, the forensic investigation and the Public Prosecutor.
- PAHO office in Suriname: Active participation in AMI/RAVREDA activities goes through the PAHO.
- U.S. Embassy in Suriname: Both PEPFAR activities, and the establishment of a Forensic DNA database, go through the U.S. Embassy.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Being connected to the International Influenza Quality Assessment Program, requires direct contact with the EQAP Influenza Division.
- Global HIV/AIDS Program: Being connected to the international HIV Quality Assessment Program requires direct contact with the International Laboratory Branch (HIV EID).
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta: In the context of malaria research, there is a good collaboration with the Malaria Branch of the CDC.
- Amazon Malaria Initiative (AMI-RAVREDA): Cooperation for malaria research in the Amazon countries.
- PEPFAR: for the various activities of the Biochemistry department in relation to HIV.
- Dutch Forensic Institute (NFI) in the context of forensic DNA analysis.
- Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC) (LUMC) Collaboration for research and diagnosis of infectious diseases.